Products & Services
We provide concrete, aggregate, and material delivery services
Have confidence that BRM has the experience and capabilities to supply your most technically challenging project.
We are an approved supplier for Kentucky Department of Transportation projects.
We have provided concrete to the Amazon Air Hub project at the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport and supplied numerous other commercial jobs. We have an in-house, concrete testing lab and on-site ACI-certified personnel.
BRM enjoys a unique advantage among area concrete suppliers by having a plant with a five aggregate bin capacity. This investment allows us the “on the fly” option to batch concrete with gravel, limestone, pea-gravel, or any custom blend of aggregates that best suits your application.
Whether you are pouring a hot-tub pad, colored concrete for a stamped application, or require a high-performance mix for your commercial project, you can trust that we can produce the right mix for you.

Options: In the mix
Consider adding the benefits of fiber to your concrete. We stock Ultra Fiber 500 but, with advance notice, are able to integrate any specialty fiber into your mix.
UltraFiber 500
UltraFiber 500 cellulose fiber reinforcement for industrial, commercial, residential, architectural, and decorative applications. Millions of microfibers bond with the concrete matrix to provide unsurpassed crack control with increased durability, impact, shatter, and freeze/thaw resistance. UltraFiber 500 will not ball or fuzz. It is invisible in the concrete and the only fiber that accepts color. This makes UltraFiber the best finishing fiber and the only fiber for decorative concrete. Learn more about UltraFiber 500.
RussTech Concrete Admixtures
RussTech has been facilitating better concrete since 1967. RussTech concrete admixtures are manufactured from the highest quality ingredients which result in consistent performance and quality. Boone Ready Mix can incorporate any of RussTech’s broad arsenal of specialty admixtures to satisfy your most technical concrete specification. Learn more about RussTech Concrete Admixtures.
Options: On the truck
For your convenience, these items can be delivered on our mixers with your concrete.
EVRT (AquaFilm)
When applied over fresh concrete, creates a monomolecular film retarding moisture loss from the concrete surface, allowing time for proper finishing and help in preventing plastic shrinkage of the concrete slab. Learn more about EVRT.
Cure & Seal 250
Cure & Seal 250 is a ready to use, acrylic copolymer designed to cure concrete and provide a durable protective coating for both interior and exterior architectural and exposed concrete surfaces. Learn more about Cure & Seal 250.
The Bean™
THE BEAN™ is an all-natural penetrating sealer for concrete and wood surfaces. As mentioned in Concrete Construction Magazine, THE BEAN™ produces a satin to transparent finish on wood surfaces and a transparent finish on concrete surfaces. This patented formula is designed to penetrate the pores of concrete and wood surfaces from which it quickly disperses water. Learn more about The Bean™.
Rebonded rubber expansion joint material
Made from pieces of high-quality rubber that are securely bonded together with resin. It is highly resilient, will compress with little extrusion, and recover 90% of its original thickness. Rebonded rubber is comprised of 97% post-industrial recycled content and is made in the USA. It can be used and/or specified in almost all residential and commercial applications and is easily cut or trimmed on the job site.
Available Sizes:
½” x 4” x 5’
1” x 6” x 5’

We have aggregate readily available and can deliver residential-project quantities of the following aggregates.
Pea Gravel
#57 Gravel
Dense Grade Limestone
#57 Limestone
#2 Limestone
#4 Limestone
Concrete Sand
Mason Sand
Fill Sand
Con-Fill Dense Grade
This material is sourced from returned concrete. The cement is neutralized and the material is dewatered. It compacts to dense form and is very competitively priced.